Wednesday, September 21, 2022

And What A Year It's Been!

Last year at this time, September 22 to be exact, we were in Boston at Diana and Peter's wedding. They had a small, private ceremony in Boston Common, then we went to Tresca's for a delicious Italian dinner. 


Then four days later the big reception at Cairnwood Estate in Pennsylvania. What a celebration that was! There were over 1000 pictures so I'll just choose a few to show you here. 😊

 (Credit to Landmarks in Lights for this photo!)

"Introducing... Mr. and Mrs. Bruno!"



 Since that day they have moved from the east coast to the west coast, got a dog, planted a garden... 💖 Happy Anniversary Diana and Peter. I love you more than you can imagine!


Terri D said...

Gosh, a year already! The photos are beautiful (like the bride)!! Thanks for sharing them! xo

Cathy said...


ellen b. said...

Wonderful photos. Happy Anniversary to Diana and Peter!

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ You have had quite a year, and a fun year, my goodness!! This year has gone by so quickly, why it seems like just yesterday you were posting about the looks gorgeous! Congrats to a beautiful couple!! Hugs, Barb

Ernie said...

Oh, I love these photos. Sounds like a busy first year. Moving from one coast to the other? Oh, to be young.