Thursday, February 13, 2025

So Much Fun, So Little Time

There's so much to write about, but so much happening around here I haven't had time to write.

I guess the first thing is that Beth and Chuck are both feeling much better. Still a tiny bit congested but they're back to their regular routines.

My visit with my sister was so much fun. She had always wanted to go skydiving but due to a knee replacement, and minor back issues her doctor advised against it. So my niece and I surprised her with indoor skydiving! She was shocked! Our plan worked perfectly! This is when she first realized what she was going to be doing - 

She had also wanted some nice photos taken so my nieces daughter did her make up and we headed outside for a fun photo shoot.

Then we headed out so she could learn to fly!

Each person got to go twice if they wanted to and she did! I thought she'd be too nervous to go at all but she wasn't. I'm so proud of her. At 70 years old, she 'flew' by herself. You can see in the second picture the trainer isn't even holding her.

Then we took her out for a family dinner at her favorite restaurant, The Olive Garden. She was overwhelmed. It was a great day!

We went for a walk at a local park, watched her tortoises eat lunch, (that pan is the size of a large pizza) and spent a lot of time just talking.

It was exactly what we both needed. We decided next time I need to spend a week there because it just went by so fast. We're the only two left of our original family of five. 

Back at home - I'm gearing up for Sunday school. The Leaders Handbook is finished, I've been working in the classroom, and I even had a wonderful assistant help me with the bulletin board on Wednesday.

And Diana and Adelaide arrive tomorrow night. I filled my car with gas, I'm getting the den ready for them, putting out toys, baby-proofing the house... I'm beyond excited to see them! So if you don't hear from me for a while, it's because I'll be  chasing a two year old around the house! And loving every minute of it!

I'll get back to visiting your blogs soon, I promise!

Friday, January 31, 2025

A Little of This and That

We were planning to go shopping at Michaels today but Beth woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. So I took down some cough drops and extra tissue, and she's having some EmergenC. I can hear her laughing at whatever she's watching on TV, so she's feeling 'okay', just not well enough to go out. We'll try again later this weekend. 

I went down to the waterfront earlier this week and got to see some seals! We've lived here for more than twenty years and I've never seen seals close to the shore. There were four of them and they were playing and 'honking' (is that the sound a seal makes?) It was amazing!

We put up a pre-service slide on Sunday letting people know our class is resuming on the 16th. It's really happening!

I'm flying to San Diego next week to see my sister for her birthday. I haven't seen her since July and I'm ready for some good 'ol sister time. She's already called me to see what kind of junk food we want to have. 😊

Me and Debbie around 1969

And in 2020

(The new header photo was taken in 2018 when we went to Niagara Falls.)

Monday, January 20, 2025

Afraid We'll Pick Up Right Where We Left Off


It's been a very quiet week around here. I looked through my phone to see what pictures I could post. I have:

Dirty linens that were delivered to us at work from the rental company. I need to take care of that on Tuesday.

Our garage roof. It's a flat roof and I have to get up there a few times a year to clean off the pine needles from our neighbors tree that clog the drain.

New instructions for how to turn the house lights on in our Sanctuary at work. They got a new light board and there's no 'house lights' button for cleaning. 

So, no real pictures to show you. But I do have these - 

Seeing the news stories about President Carter building houses after he left the White House was amazing! Made this even more special - 

And then this one -

We had a Kids Ministry Training Lunch yesterday, where we all eat together, then break off into our teams: Preschool teachers, 1st-3rd grade teachers, etc. And I met with the amazing Special Connections Leaders. Each of them have a heart for kids with special needs and are excited to get started.  I've created the leaders handbook with topics like What is a Disability; Characteristics of Disabilities, De-escalating Potential Situations along with basic information about check-in procedures, snack time... I've sent it off to our Media/Communication team and should get it back in a couple weeks. 

As we get closer to re-opening I found myself getting really nervous. I can't believe it's been a year since we closed the class! I realized that I was afraid we'll pick up right where we left off, with kids biting and kicking and throwing things... I confessed it to the Lord and poured my heart out to Him. Then I started to come across things like the one above and was reminded that He's right here with me. This is His ministry, His desire for our church and He's already got a plan. There's nothing to be afraid of, I trust Him completely.

Deuteronomy 31:8 - The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid.

John 14-27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  
So, we reopen on February 16. We've got a team of seven leaders so far but we're always looking for more. We'll only have class during one service to start and when we get a few more leaders, we'll be able to open the class for both services each Sunday. That's our goal and I know that'll meet a huge need. The 16th is comin' up fast!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Beth Doesn't Seem to Sense Danger

Last week there were two people, a brother and sister hanging out on the pier I often go to, about five minutes from our house. You walk out to the 'boardwalk', the pier is to the left and the ferry dock to the right. I took these in August - 

Granted these two were out on the pier in the middle of the night, but while they were there, four guys walked by them and two of them shot the guy! Point blank! According to the reports, the sister said they didn't know them. It's crazy!! 

Our grocery store has other smaller stores around it, a UPS store, TJ Maxx etc. and the crime has gotten bad. They've put one of those cart things... I just looked it up - a mobile surveillance trailer in the parking lot. Our little town has always been safe but the crime is really increasing. It seems to be that way everywhere.  

I'm one of those people who, when I'm walking toward my car, I check the reflection to see if anyone is following me. As soon as I get in, the doors are locked. I'm not panicked about it, it's just a habit I've developed.

When Beth and I were at the grocery store (the day after the shooting) there was a homeless guy hanging around us in the store. He wandered away when we went to the check out but I noticed he was following us as we headed to the car.

You know that feeling when your senses are up and your adrenaline increases? I turned around and looked directly at him and he immediately turned and walked through some cars. Honestly I thought about what I had bought and if I had some food that I could give him but I didn't really have anything like that. Just Beth's meds, some paper products... 

Beth and I quickly unloaded the cart while I kept my eye on him - he was still walking away from us - and Beth? She was just happily putting things in the car, reminding me of the paper towels under the cart "Crazy Mothera!" and giggling... completely unaware of the guy.

My adrenaline was high but I stayed calm. I told her to get in the car and I'd put the cart away. I kept my eye on the guy (he was on the other side of the lot by now) and I just shoved the cart across the drive into the cart holder thing and jumped in the car. Beth is still getting into the car, half in/half out, moving her backpack, slowly getting settled. I told her to close her door and she slowly leaned out to grab it... 

She honestly had no idea. I locked the doors and started the engine. Since he nowhere near us I took the time to explain about the man and how it was important to always be aware of people around you. It's something I've said to her many times over the years, but she just doesn't sense danger. And with the world the way it is, it makes me a little nervous.

On to better things - She bought some new headphones this week. She likes the kind that goes over her ears. I actually like those kind better too!

Every Sunday now Beth takes a nap after we get home from church. We usually take Sharaya and Ally out for lunch and when we get home she heads downstairs. Today I was able to get a photo. I'm glad she likes her recliner!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sip, Snip, Shop

Hi everyone,
It's been a quiet week around here. We stayed home and watched the fireworks on TV: New Years at the Needle. It was a nice quiet evening, then Chuck, Beth and I had our usual sparkling cider and clinked our glasses at midnight.

Let's see, what else. Oh, Beth and I got our hair cut. Beth wears a head lamp when she's downstairs to see her paperwork better (we've tried so many lamps and other lights but she always goes back to her headband/light.) Because of it her hair has been cut from wearing it so much. And I guess the stylist didn't realize that because she actually gave Beth bangs. They're short enough now but it will be interesting when they start to grow out! 

My hair's the same, just a little shorter. I tried my best to take a selfie. I don't know how some of you take such great selfies! I'm thinking of you Leslie and Daenel!

We did some shopping. It's funny how the older we get the less we can be out and about. We wandered through Target, then headed over to Kohls. We had gift cards burning holes in our pockets! I took this when we were next in line at Kohls. I realized I hadn't taken any pictures and quickly got out my phone. "Smile!"

We stopped and got dinner, and took it home to eat it. It's crazy how excited we were to be home again!

I think tomorrow sort of begins the true back to work and school after the holidays. From what I hear the thousands of Amazon employees have to be back in the office beginning tomorrow. I'm so grateful my commute is only 5 minutes! 

I pray you all had a good New Year celebration and that the first week of January has been kind to you. Truly, take care of yourselves. Pamper yourself sometimes. You are loved and cherished.

'Til next time -