Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Of All The Days To Post, I Choose Christmas Eve

I know it's Christmas Eve. I know I haven't posted in a long time. I don't really have time to post now.

But I wanted to drop in at least for a moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas. We are so busy here, sounds like you are too. It's been a different Christmas season for us. Lots of different things happening, lots of changes.

But it's good. I'm finally taking time to remember the Christ child. That little baby in the manger.

God became flesh. He hung the stars in the sky, then chose to become a helpless baby, just so He could have a relationship with us.

What an amazing, incomprehensible act of love.

I hope you experience that love this season.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Older I Get

It's been hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year, although I'm not sure why. I love Christmas! It's my favorite time of year. So I've been wondering why I just haven't been feelin' it.

Then yesterday I took Allison out shopping. Crazy, right?! Taking a 4 year old shopping less than two weeks before Christmas?! But it wasn't as bad as I expected. As we're getting on the escalator, she yells, "Look! A Christmas tree!!" "Look!! Lights!!" She was excited about everything! It was exactly what I needed.

Then today I got a Christmas card from a long time, dear friend. It reads:

The Older I Get...
the simpler my holiday preparations become...
the more I cherish the old ornaments...
the more fondly I remember Christmases past...
the longer I hold onto a holiday hug...
the more I enjoy giving then receiving...
the longer I sit in the glow of the Christmas tree...
the more wondrously beautiful the Christmas story is...
the more I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child...

This is all SO true! We finally got our tree and I'm hoping to get it trimmed, lights on and all decorated tonight. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Am I The Only One Feeling So Far Behind?

Usually we help at our church on Thanksgiving, cook our Thanksgiving dinner at home on Friday and on Saturday we get our tree.

Usually I start my Christmas letter the first part of November. Just after Thanksgiving I take it to Kinkos and get copies made. My cards are out in the mail the first week of December.

Usually I start my Christmas shopping the Monday before Thanksgiving. I've found the mall is empty that day with everyone traveling or preparing for Thanksgiving Day.


Here it is December 11 and we don't have our tree yet. I haven't written one word of the Christmas letter (definitely won't be sending one this year) and we haven't even taken a photo for the card.

I haven't purchased one single gift yet. I feel so far behind. Like Christmas is gonna come and go and I'm gonna miss it completely.

We've been SO busy the last couple of weeks, I keep having to remind myself of the reason for this season. I need to slow down, relax, enjoy the lights and the cocoa and the music; not stress over what needs to be done. Although there's SO much that needs to be done. Did I mention my sister is coming for Christmas? She arrives at midnight on Christmas Eve and will be staying with us for 2 weeks. And I'm still trying to figure out where she's going to sleep.

Deeeep breath...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Went To The Doctor Yesterday

I'm the kind of person that only goes to the doctor under certain circumstances. I know people who go to the doctor the first time they cough or sneeze, but I'm not one of them.

I was 5 months pregnant with Diana before I went to the doctor for the first time. I knew I was pregnant right away; I took a home pregnancy test and it confirmed it; I had gone through the typical (for me) morning sickness; I could feel the baby kick... she was my third and I knew what to expect and I knew there was nothing out of the ordinary that required me going to the doctor. I'm just that kind of person.

Having said that, I decided to take Beth to the doctor yesterday. She had a stuffy nose last week and began to blow her nose, a lot. That girl can go through a box a tissues a day! We pumped her full of EmergenC, Daytime and Nighttime medicine, but she wasn't getting better. This cold was hangin' on.

She wasn't achy, didn't have a headache or fever, just a stuffy nose and "a weird voice" to quote Beth as she talked with the doctor yesterday. :)

The doctor, or Physicians Assistant said that she might, just might have a sinus infection. But maybe not. Either way, whatever it was, she's had it for too long. So she put her on antibiotics. Beth seems to be feeling a little better and is still blowing her nose today, but not as often. I'm hoping she'll be able to go volunteer at the school tomorrow.

She's only left the house once in the last week and that was for Allison's birthday party. But for the most part she stayed in the dining room, away from everyone else.


She's 4!!


 Happy Birthday to yooouuu!!!