Friday, June 22, 2018

Mama Bird

That's what we're calling her. I've learned she is a Junco and the eggs incubation time is about 2 weeks.

Back in April I wrote about a birds nest in the wreath on our front porch. There were 3 eggs when we left on vacation but a few days later Sharaya sent us a picture of an empty nest. We decided something got them because there were no cracked shells or any evidence of baby birds. When we got home, I put on some gloves and cleaned it all up and tossed the nest. Wasn't sure what else to do with it. 

A few weeks ago another nest appeared and this time there are 4 eggs!

I was up until 2:30 this morning, probably because I ate a lot more sugar than I should have throughout the day 😋 but I decided to check on the nest, just to see what exactly happens in a birds nest in the middle of the night.

And there was Mama Bird keeping an eye on her babies.

Every time I leave the house I tell her, "Bye Mama Bird!" and sometimes she stays in the nest and other times she flies out into the yard chirping at me the whole time.

It's been kind of fun to watch. I make sure the bird feeders and baths are full and we're always listening for the sound of little birds chirping! It could be anytime now!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Celebrations All Around

Today was Father's Day and also my birthday.
We all went out to eat after church, then came here for presents and pie. I always get coconut cream on my birthday and Chuck bought a strawberry creme, since he doesn't like coconut.

The girls went together and bought us tickets to a pre-season Seahawks game!! Oh my word!! We've only been to one Seahawk game ever so we're really excited to go again! I wish I would have gotten a picture of the look on his face when he opened the envelope... it was priceless! Great job girls!! We love you!

Sharaya, Allie and I went to her place and went swimming for a while. The temps were in the high 70's today and the water felt so good!

 Me, cruisin' the neighborhood!

Me and my dad 
He's 93 now and lives in San Diego
I called him today; it was good to hear his voice

Chuck is an amazing dad!

 Happy Father's Day!!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Flashback Friday

With school ending, I thought I would share some pictures of my girls... way back when.

Beth - 3rd Grade (I think)

Sharaya - Kindergarten

Diana - Kindergarten

I hope you all enjoy the start of your summer!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Stress And Loss, What A Week

At 1:30 Tuesday morning I got a call from a friend telling me her mom had died. I met Vera more than 25 years ago when we did ministry together at our church. She had dementia so the last few years I've been hanging out with her while her husband went out for lunch or bowling. It was hard to watch that disease slowly steal her away from us. I went over and spent the morning with Vern and we talked and cried and looked through pictures. We know she's in a better place now, our loss is bittersweet.

Late that same night Sharaya called me from the airport - in London! - to say the airline had cancelled her flight home!! It's kind of a long story but we stayed in contact through texts and at 2AM she was finally able to get new tickets and then head to the new gate for their flight home. Of course that made them arrive a few hours later than they hoped but I picked them up at the airport and they were so glad to be home!  

Our church held a women's conference this weekend with Havilah Cunnington called Awaken 2018. I usually don't go to these things but for some reason I just felt led to volunteer this year. Had a 3 hour training last Saturday, then was at the church from 4-10:30 on Friday night, then 7am-5 yesterday. By the time I got home I was SO tired! My fitbit says I took 18,000 steps yesterday alone! It was a wonderful conference though, a lot of women were ministered to, prayed for and just able to sit and talk with other women about 'girl stuff'!

Plus this week we've learned that one of our beloved pastors and our facility manager are both moving out of state! Pastor K has been at our church for 17 years and the FM (I'm his admin) for almost 15. They are both going to leave such huge holes! On Thursday I was sitting at my desk at work and just began to cry. I think the realization of all of this loss just, bam! hit me. I know the Lord will see us through this but these next few months are gonna be hard.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

London and Paris!

Sharaya and Allie have spent the last two weeks in Europe. Sharaya just decided to go one day, began saving up for it, planning all kinds of activities and adventures and then... off they went!!

Oh my word, the pictures she's been posting have been phenomenal! I thought I would share some here but then was saving more and more so I'll try to choose just a few!

Just some of the places they've visited:
The Tower Bridge
Westminster Abbey
Science Museum
Buckingham Palace
Hyde Park
Arc de Triomphe
Eiffel Tower
Sacre Couer
Notre Dame
The Seine....

Such an amazing trip! These are in no particular order, just a drop in the bucket of some of my favorites!

They took an Afternoon Tea bus ride!

Sharaya is such an amazing mom to make the sacrifices needed to be able to go on a trip like this. I'm so proud of you Sharaya and can't wait to hear all about your adventures!