Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Older I Get

It's been hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year, although I'm not sure why. I love Christmas! It's my favorite time of year. So I've been wondering why I just haven't been feelin' it.

Then yesterday I took Allison out shopping. Crazy, right?! Taking a 4 year old shopping less than two weeks before Christmas?! But it wasn't as bad as I expected. As we're getting on the escalator, she yells, "Look! A Christmas tree!!" "Look!! Lights!!" She was excited about everything! It was exactly what I needed.

Then today I got a Christmas card from a long time, dear friend. It reads:

The Older I Get...
the simpler my holiday preparations become...
the more I cherish the old ornaments...
the more fondly I remember Christmases past...
the longer I hold onto a holiday hug...
the more I enjoy giving then receiving...
the longer I sit in the glow of the Christmas tree...
the more wondrously beautiful the Christmas story is...
the more I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child...

This is all SO true! We finally got our tree and I'm hoping to get it trimmed, lights on and all decorated tonight. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!



Mardra said...

It all changes, but still full of wonder, huh? ;)

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwww! I love the old picture of the girls. How sweet is that? : )

I am glad you were able to go shopping with your grand daughter. That is very sweet. I am so glad she helped you find the wonder once again.

Happy New Year friend. Love, Becky