Saturday, July 2, 2022

Having Fun With Will Boeing

Chuck got us tickets to the Boeing Future of Flight for my birthday. I've been enamored by planes, the Space Shuttle (when it was flying) and I just love being around them. This was a small museum and we were only there for an hour or two but we had fun!

I didn't realize the Vertical Stabilizer was this big! See me in the corner?

 They had a replica of the Destiny Module that's at the International Space Station.

How they go months sleeping upright I'll never know.

We went out on the sky deck and got to see a few planes land. 
In the second picture you can barely see Mt Rainier on the right.

This is the Assembly Building.  
Each one of those bay doors is large enough for a complete plane to go through.

 Before we left we asked one of the receptionists to take some pictures of us by the photo op area. You can tell she's done this a lot because we sure had fun!


Terri D said...

Wow! Great pictures and it looks like you had a great time!! Thanks for sharing the fun!! said...

What a fun afternoon. Love to learn new things about my blogging buddies. So interesting that you have always taken a shine to all things flight related. Adorable pictures of you guys at the end.

ellen b. said...

Glad you had a fun time at the museum. Great photos. Hope your weekend was good, too.