Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Planes, Busses, and Shampooers

Hey everyone,
I was planning to sit down and write a quick post but I got distracted and already a half hour has gone by and it's getting late. Let's see how much I can get done before my body says, "All done."

I bought a large carpet shampooer for work a couple weeks ago and when it came, it wasn't as advertised. So I've spent the last week trying to get this thing shipped. Not an easy task: all the emails and phone calls, little details, the paperwork... yesterday UPS packed it back up and today the shipping company picked it up. Hallelujah! I was so glad to see that thing go.

I bought a new tunic. I don't know about you but I could live in these things. I love the length, the colors, and the collar (sometimes the collar is too wide and low, and I feel... exposed.)

I caught a picture of Beth going out to the DART bus last week. She was headed to All Aboard for Karaoke and Art classes. You can tell because she always takes her Disney backpack filled with lined paper and gel pens. 

I spent some time at the waterfront on Sunday. I talked with the youth group about volunteering in Special Connections, and afterward headed down there for a while.

My eyes are getting tired but I want to tell you that Diana went to London over the weekend. Can you imagine? She hadn't been there in a few years so she booked a flight and was there for three days and four nights. It's the first time she was away from Adelaide for that long. I wonder how she reacted when Diana got home. I'll try to get some photos from her.

And, Sharaya has been learning how to drive a school bus and she passed her test on Friday! She now has a CDL. My dad always had one. Chuck has one. I just love that. Just one more thing she knows how to do at the school district! I'm so proud of her.
Well, I'm done. Does this happen to you? The end of the day your body is just like, "Okay. I'm finished." I hope you get a good night sleep tonight!


Cathy said...

I totally get what you're saying. I get so tired sometimes that I literally cannot stay awake to finish whatever show we are watching. I'm always so surprised when I wake up and the show is over. lol Love your tunic. I wear tops very similar to that. Have a good weekend.

Terri D said...

Thanks for the catch-up, even though you were so tired! I enjoyed your news and the photos. Hoping you slept well. Happy Friday and weekend ahead! said...

What an uplifting post!! Your photos are stunning. Truly, truly beautiful. You need to frame them and put them on an easel in your home somewhere. They are just gorgeous.

Love that Beth can be so independent. Be-bopping out to the bus for class. She is the cutest thing.

Thank goodness that blessed shampooer is out of your hair. Pardon the pun!! PC wants to return our new mattress to Amazon and I would rather sleep on it and be miserable than try to figure out how to package and ship it back!!