Saturday, September 7, 2024

It's Official - A Week of Encouraging Change

I have officially stepped back from my job as Custodial Supervisor. I'll continue to be the Facilities Admin but the responsibility of every event set up, cleaning the building, and overseeing the custodians with their different personalities and work ethics now belongs to someone else.

When I closed our Sunday school class Special Connections, in January due to the extreme behavior of the kids (biting, kicking, knocking over furniture) I spent some time fasting and praying about what the Lord wanted for this ministry. One night in prayer He told me, 'You are anointed for this ministry. I have anointed you. You carry the mantel.' That kinda took my breath away. 
He began to show me His vision of ministry to the parents who have kids with special needs; ministry to the youth and young adults who have special needs; as well as continuing with the Sunday school class for 4yrs-6th graders. His heart is toward the entire family.

So I prayed and asked Him, if this was really what He wanted me to do, would He please release me from my supervisor position. That was back in April.

And in June I just knew it was time. I met with my boss and told him in order to focus more on ministry, I needed to step back. He asked if I could stay on through the summer which I did. On Tuesday we had a custodial meeting and announced the change to them. (One of the custodians has been promoted to Lead Custodian and will be taking on some of the supervisor duties.) Wednesday we announced it to the office staff.

I feel such a sense of relief. Even though he and I will be working together for a few months as I train him, he's a custodian so he knows how to work some of the machines better than I do, he's very outgoing and the other custodians really like him. I know he's gonna be great in this position.

So, my life is kind of taking a turn. I spent some time last night looking through resource guides and notes about the class. And I believe I'm to wait to reopen until January. As busy as our church is in the fall, this will give me more time to create a training manual, and recruit more volunteers. Plus redecorate the room. Change brings anxiety to many kids with special needs so we've left it as is for a long time. I'm looking forward to the change.

So, things will be very different for me going forward. And I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to bring about in this old, but new ministry at our church! I appreciate your prayers.


Anonymous said...

How exciting for you. Praying

Susan said...

Congratulations on your new ministry!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This all sounds perfect. I am so happy for you.

ellen b. said...

That sounds like a good switch for you. I do pray all goes well. We've been using ministry buddies to help with children with special needs. Hope you get some good helpers in your class.

Terri D said...

It sure sounds like you have a good handle on what it is needed and I know you will do a great job sorting it all out, recruiting the perfect people and organizing the right curriculum for the special needs children. Please keep us posted!! Congrats on the big decisions you have made.

Jeanie said...

I'm excited to hear about your next steps. That sense of relef is such a gift, isn't it?

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ It sounds like a great move for you! I truly believe that through prayer we can find the answers we need, and that's exactly what you did. I think you will be blessed in your new position and be able to concentrate more on your ministry, which will bless so many people! Good luck, Cindy!! Prayers for you. Hugs, Barb said...

Yay YOU!! Glad you can step away from the extra responsibility of the custodial supervisory job. Sounds like your replacement will do well so you can turn it over to him without worry.

I think January is the perfect time to start back with your ministry. You are right, children with special needs like structure and familiarity. Change is scary for many of them. I feel certain you will find a way to create a program that will engage those sweet children and shine the light of God into their little hearts and lives.