Friday, May 17, 2024

Just Day-to-Day Stuff

 Good morning,
I'm writing this on my day off so it is actually morning! There's nothing major going on around here just little, normal day to day stuff.
Allison made crepes for us on Mother's Day, she did such a great job! She and Sharaya had sliced strawberries, blueberries, nutella, chocolate chips... everything was so good!
The girls went together and got me a print that reads The Anderson Family and it's got all of our birth flowers. I haven't hung it yet but it's going to go great in the dining room. I love it.

After lunch we headed outside for some pictures. Always my favorite part of the day!

Sharaya, her daughter Allison, Me and Beth
Look at her! She's almost as tall as Sharaya!

Diana's family is on the East coast but she sent me this one. Peter took it of her and Adelaide. So cute!
After Sharaya and Ally left, Chuck, Beth and I went walking up at Hickman Park again. We drove there and started walking together but then we each ended up walking at our own pace. Separately but together. It worked out really nice. I think we each did 4 laps around the park. 

I don't know if you can you see Beth in this picture. 
Sort of the middle right, above the bicycle. She's wearing a red shirt.

Beth and I did our usual grocery shopping after work on Thursday and when we got to our meeting spot she showed me that she only had two things of junk food: one package of licorice (last week was two) and one share size (not family size) of M&Ms. I told her I was so proud of her and that she had made some great choices. You could tell she was excited.
Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, our church is gearing up for our Pentecost Sunday celebration. We have a lot of people born in other nations that will carry their flag in a 'parade' through the Sanctuary. One by one they stand at the microphone and declare that their nation "exalts the name of the Lord!" It's pretty emotional when you realize this is what heaven will be like! Every people, nation, tribe and tongue will spend eternity worshiping the Lord together! (No judgements, no hate.) After service, we're having 10 food trucks in the parking lot serving food from China, Mexico, Thailand, India, Sweden... It's one of the biggest celebrations of the year for us!
I don't know how many nations will be represented on Sunday but the flags wrap all the way around the foyer!

That's about it from here. I'm picking Ally up from school today then will head to Penney's to return a pair of jeans, and maybe do a little shopping at Kohls. Have a great weekend!


Terri D said...

I enjoyed this post, and catching up with you and the girls. Hooray for Beth making better decisions!! I haven't made crepes for way too long. Good luck with your huge celebration at church. Happy weekend!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love the new header picture of Beth on the walking trail. That is really beautiful, and she looks wonderful! Your Mother's Day sounds really special! Love the pictures of you and your girls and also Adelaide and her Mommy. Love that you all went walking and also proud of Beth for making such great choices in shopping. The Pentecost Sunday event with the flags from so many nations is wonderful. Yes, we will all be sharing heaven will be so very exciting to see all those from around the world for whom Christ died! It gives me goosebumps to think about it. Thank you for sharing this. said...

How does Ally make her crepes? Does she have a mix or follow a recipe for the batter? One spring making crepes was on my bucket list and I never got it done. Hers look perfect and all the toppings sound just delicious. Bravo, Ally!!

Loved the all-girl photo. So nice when everyone is old enough to look at the camera at the same time and smile!! We have hired a photographer for our family beach trip in July and I am THRILLED!! Have wanted professional family photos for years.

Yay for Beth making better choices. I love red licorice and M&Ms, too.

The park is such a nice place to walk. Love the tree-lined path. Beautiful.

Susan said...

Your Pentecost Celebrations sounds really nice. You must have a really big church! I would love to walk in the woods. I need to get to a big park in the next city that has woods. It is pure city here. Enjoy your weekend!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a lovely Mother's day with all together. Those crepes sound delicious. That's a nice park to walk in. Happy Saturday!

R's Rue said...

I love that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day.