'A' got to the house around 10:30 on Thursday and did a thorough assessment.
Beth came up about 20 minutes after she got here (we went down and told her 'A' was here and it was time to come up, she just... didn't.) But it gave me an opportunity to privately tell her I'd like to get some assistance for Beth at home and explained how she might receive things better if it wasn't coming from me. I thought it might be awkward saying that in front of Beth. A is going to look into Respite Care.
She also recommended another day program and I love some of their classes. One is Dancing to Disney. Hello! That has Beth written all over it! And another is Musicals. Reading scripts, creating props, singing. Her face lit up when I was reading these class options. It's expensive though so A is going to check to see how much they can help her with. I need to check out the days these classes are on to make sure there isn't a conflict with her regular schedule. If there is, she'll need to make some some choices.
That was on Thursday. On Friday Beth and I went to a Planet Fitness that just opened near us and had a look around. She's excited about getting a membership so that will be our next step.
Then we stopped at the grocery store for a few items, then went to Penney's to get some work-out clothes. She got some leggings and a couple of T shirts.
On the way home from Penney's we stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch. It's our favorite place!
Unfortunately Beth started getting congested yesterday so she stayed home from church today. We're giving her meds and she's drinking lots of water. Hopefully she'll feel better enough to go to All Aboard on Tuesday.
That's about it from here. I hope you have a great week! This second week in March. The year is already going so fast!
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