Friday, July 12, 2024

Minnie, Living Across the Hall, and Matching Helmets!

 Hi everyone,
I hope you're all doing well and that the extreme weather we've all been having hasn't affected you too much.
We walked through the front door at midnight on Monday. Chuck had to work on Tuesday but I was smart enough to take the day off. 😏 Beth and I spent the day unpacking and doing laundry. I worked Wednesday, then went grocery shopping to fill our empty cupboards, then back to church to lead a class. 
Then worked Thursday and now it's officially the weekend for me.
I've been uploading pictures of our trip and keep telling myself that I don't need to show you every single thing that happened on our trip! We did so much, and had so much fun. 

We had a few hours between landing and checking into our timeshare so we went to lunch with my half-sister. It's been too long since we've seen each other and it was so good to get to talk with her. She's our dad's first daughter, and is 15 years older than me. Just hearing her voice again was so good for my heart.

 We all got to the condo around 4:00 on the 1st. Diana, Peter and Adelaide flew in from Pennsylvania, we flew from Seattle and Sharaya and Ally drove from Seattle. They stopped at the Redwoods on their way down.

We reserved two condos, and were able to get them right across the hall from each other. As soon as we all got in, Diana and Adelaide came over. I loved being that close to them!

Her favorite character is Minnie so I gave her the plush right away. In her little one-and-a-half year old voice she yelled, "Meenee!" then ran to show mom. 💕 When she got to meet the real Minnie, she loved her from afar.

We ended up walking to Disneyland on Tuesday morning because we couldn't figure out where the shuttle picked us up. Even various people we asked: in hotels, on the street, even a city bus driver didn't know. Well actually, they all very confidently told us something different.
Once we got there we slowly made our way back to Galaxy's Edge, the Star Wars area, and I took pictures of Beth along the way. By the Teacups and the Matterhorn.

She was excited to see the storm troopers! 
She bought the hat the last time we were at Disney! 

We had lunch at the Red Rose Cafe. AKA The Beauty and Beast restaurant. I was expecting it to be about Belle and the castle, but it's designed after Gaston's tavern. But it was still fun, and the food was good. If you get a chance to go, you really should "try the gray stuff, it's delicious!"🎵

We rode the Train around the park, went on The Jungle Cruise, It's a Small World, Adelaide played in Toon Town, and the kids went on the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance ride. We had such a great time being together. And Adelaide's new favorite word? "Splash!"

Til next time - I pray the Lord fills your life with happy splashing!


Terri D said...

Oh, my!! Great pictures and what fun you all had!! Awesomeness!!

ellen b. said...

Aww...happy happy joy joy! Looks like y'all had a great time.

Cathy said...

Great pictures of what looks like a wonderful time with family! said...

Great captures of your fun. Love the pictures of Beth - she looks so happy!! And Adelaide could not be cuter. I bet that water fountain was so refreshing for that little doll.

Isn't it wonderful to have your kids stay right across the hall or next door or one floor below? We are going to South Padre Island (where there have been recent shark attacks - yikes). Staying in a condo with one daughter and the other daughter will be next door. It's so nice to just be able to eat breakfast together or play games after dinner.

You were a smart girl to take the day off after you got home.

Susan said...

Looks like you had a great time. We live about 35 minutes away so we never have to stay overnight, though it would be nice.