Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Snippets

Had a great time with my sister. We all got in a circle and prayed before she left and as she was pulling away we locked eyes and both began to cry!

I worked hard before she got here to make sure the front garden looked nice and I'm so glad I did!

 Chuck and I stopped for lunch after his infusion on Tuesday. Shhhh, we didn't tell anyone!

I'm going to work tomorrow. With Covid regulations our whole staff is working on Sundays now to disinfect the Sanctuary seats, door knobs, bathrooms... after every service. It takes a village!

I hope you're having a great weekend!


Susan said...

That is nice that you got to be with your sister and go to lunch with your hubby! They closed our churches again so our church will meet outside and it will also be on YouTube.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful visit with your sister, and your flowers look so pretty. Those hydrangeas are gorgeous! Glad you and hubby had a chance to get out and eat. That is a blessing. Thank you for your work to help make your church a safe place to worship. Yes, it takes a little extra effort these days, but it is so worth it to enable people to come together for worship again. We are also being very careful...and just so thankful that so far we have all gotten through this time with no one getting sick from this. Praying it stays that way.

Jeanie said...

It looks like a long-awaited and much needed visit and I'm so glad you were able to do it. Stay safe, my friend.

ellen b. said...

Lovely photos of your time. Oye...all that disinfecting. Hang in there!

Rebecca Jo said...

Hope you survived all the disinfecting. I'm sure its a huge task!
Your home looks beautiful for your sister to visit. I'm bad with goodbyes - they make me cry too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you had a nice visit with your sister. I love the photos you took. Yes it does take a village and it's nice to hear about that being done in the church.