Sunday, December 5, 2021

Chop Chop, Twelve, and Snow!

This past week for me has been much more manageable than last week. I hope you've had a good week too.

Beth and I spent a day shopping. Went to the mall for the first time in a very long time. I was hoping it would be all decorated for Christmas but all they had was a few lights hanging from the ceiling. That was a little disappointing. But we found a few gifts and after a while we got hungry so we stopped at our favorite place, Auntie Anne's! It was a fun mother-daughter day!


Diana and Peter found their tree! They drove up into the mountains a cut it down themselves. Their first tree on the west coast. 💖


Ally turned 12! This beautiful, smart, funny, kind girl is twelve years old! She came over Thursday afternoon and we made chocolate chip cookies. She didn't want cake for her birthday, she wanted MY chocolate chip cookies! I love this girl! Afterward we all met at Red Robin and she opened her presents. She's growing up too fast!


The next day she and Sharaya left for a weekend up in the mountains. They woke up the first morning to snow!! I was a little jealous. They had a fun, relaxing time with friends. (I pulled these from her Instagram page.)

 Do you have your tree yet? 

Do you celebrate Hanukkah?


ellen b. said...

Glad your week was easier. That's a beautiful tree your kids found and cut! Yes our tree is up and our house is decorated. Now to the cards!!

Cathy said...

I love Auntie Anne's Pretzels. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

Rebecca Jo said...

Happy Birthday Ally!!!
Auntie Annes...mmm... I havent had that in forever.

Terri D said...

What a pretty place for a get-away! Glad you and Beth had a good day! Lunch out is always fun! Loved the photos. My tree is up. xo

Doris said...

Mother daughter day at the mall....just lovely! That's something we still aren't doing but hopefully soon. We are working slowly to get Christmas things out. Been a bit of a challenging time this year but will get there I'm sure. Wishing you a good week!

Jeanie said...

It sounds like a busy week! And a fun one. I have some smaller trees up yet and just brought the base of the big one upstairs but not the branches. I hope I'll get it done this week so Rick can help me. Then we have to do his house!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love that you and Beth had a happy shopping day together! That is so sweet. And that the newlyweds found their first tree and cut it down...and it is a beauty for certain! Happy Birthday to your sweet Ally! I love that she wanted to bake cookies with you for her birthday! That shows that you have made good memories together that she already cherishes. Looks like she is having a wonderful birthday, especially going and finding snow!! What fun! Yes, they do grow up way too fast. Our only grandson is now 22, and I guess I can now hope for a great grandchild someday, but they live so far away (Maine) I doubt I'd ever get to see it much. Of course, he needs a wife first. LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful week.