Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday Snippets - A Foresty Walk, Help With Mowing, Need Some Help!

Chuck is still walking a few times a week. He went by himself last week and did 5 miles! On Wednesday we did about 2.5 miles on the Burke-Gilman Trail. He's got so much energy lately!


Sharaya and Allie have come over a couple times recently and I have Allie this weekend, well, tonight anyway. She helped me mow the lawn by doing a few passes with the mower and she used the broom to clean off the lawn chairs.

 She beat the pants off me at Monopoly! We put on our fuzzy socks and slid on the kitchen floor a while. Have you ever tried it? It is so much fun! 

She's such a goofball! 💓


Do you do puzzles? I'm finding I'm just not that good at them. When my sister was here Rachel (her 14 yr old granddaughter) would walk over to the table, look at all the pieces, then pick one up and place it in the right spot! What?! How?! We would try every single piece we thought would fit and even then we wouldn't find it and have to try them all again.

I recently spent about an hour on a puzzle Sharaya bought me and this was as far as I got...

After an hour! Is there a trick to this?

 We're slowing making improvements to our house. We've spent our whole marriage traveling, road trips, National Parks. Now the kids are grown and we're putting money into our house. The next big thing is our fireplace. When we bought the house we learned it wasn't up to code so we've never used it. (19 years!) But now we're in the process of getting a gas insert. I can't wait for winter now!!

This is what we have now. I keep a large green plant in front of it to try to hide it. It's so old! 😄

This is the model of the one we're going to get. Our logs will look a little different and the back will be black bricks. I can't wait to be able to flip a switch and have a real fireplace!


Do you have a fire place? What kind do you like?

Are you good at puzzles?


Susan said...

We have a Disney Monopoly too. When we bought this house, it was already updated to gas. It is floor to ceiling stone. We had to put in a mantle and we got a new grate and screen for it. We like using it when it is really cold. I have not done a puzzle in ages! We got them for the grands when they were younger but now they have Legos and electronics. Glad your hubby is doing all that walking. I need to that!

Terri D said...

Fuzzy socks on the kitchen floor is so much fun and what great memories you are making! We don't have puzzles here because we have three cats who would have to help. It just isn't possible. I have worked on jigsaws a few times and I can usually get the frame put together fairly quickly. The middle takes a little longer if the colors are more blended. Wishing you a good week ahead!

Saimi said...

What a fun time sliding on the floor with fuzzy socks!! I can't seem to bring myself to play Monopoly but on the other hand I LOVE puzzles and cant stop. Once I start one I'm obsessed with finishing it. I have a collection of Murder Mystery puzzles where you read the story and then do the puzzle to find the clues to solve the mystery. The catch is there is no picture of what the puzzle looks like. So fun!!
Have a great Sunday and a wonderful week!

Jeanie said...

Chuck is walking a lot farther than I am. Well done! I love puzzles. I'm not an ace at them but I guess I do OK. I know no tricks, apart from sorting pieces by whatever theme seems right -- words, color, border.... then it's anyone's guess!

We have a fireplace at the cottage -- wood, built into the wall. I have a gas one at home but it hasn't worked for years and I suspect I might get it repaired this year. We'll see! Good luck -- you'll enjoy having one.

ellen b. said...

You are going to enjoy that fireplace. We had one similar in our Kenmore home. We don't have one in our current home. It was nice to see photos of the Burke Gilman. I used to walk it every week. Our family is good at puzzles. My sister was putting together a clear one before she left our house for home later this morning. Clear...ridiculous! No picture just see through plastic. Have a good week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad Chuck is doing well. Sounds like a good time with the girls. I haven't done a puzzle in years but we own a lot of them. I don't think there is a trick other than doing the outside boarder first.