Friday, October 4, 2013

Just Haven't Thought About It Much

This summer just flew by. We had a great summer with a lot more sunshine and blue skies than we normally get here in Seattle.

There were car shows:

There were fun days at the park:

Then one day, the weather changed. The sky got dark and the rain began to pour. We even had a small tornado touch down just south of us! It's been dark, cold and wet ever since. I can't believe summer is over and it's October already.

Beth has her Special Olympic tournament this month. I have a big meeting for our upcoming Thanksgiving outreach. A few of us need to update our food handlers cards. Diana is planning a big trip for next month.

For us, the year isn't measured in back to school shopping, parent-teacher conferences or Spring break. The kids are grown and life has changed. We don't see the changes in how fast they grow out of their shoes or if they need a new backpack so soon. 

Except for the changes in weather, life goes on pretty much the same week after week, month after month. I've been reading your 31 For 21 posts and to be honest it caught me by surprise this year. I hadn't even considered posting every day for the month of October. At this point, October is just another month. 

Well, sort of.

See, Beth was born on October 10th. What a week that was! I'm sure most of you can relate. :)

Then, two years later on October 6th, beautiful baby Sharaya was born.

So for us, October is a big birthday month. I've posted before about how we celebrated their birthdays together until Sharaya was about 10. She came and asked us if they could start having separate birthday parties. And that's the way it's been (for the most part) ever since.

So this weekend we'll celebrate Sharaya and next week it will be Beth's turn. There's lots of shopping, wrapping and planning going on.

And with my scatterbrained mind, I'll also try to remember that it's Down Syndrome Awareness Month. :)

Happy October!


Becca said...

Yep, October totally snuck up on me this year! I'm not even attempting 31 for 21 - it's really impossible. I'll just keep doing what I always do. :-) Happy almost birthday to Sharaya and Beth!

Btw, I heard about that tornado - crazy!

JC said...

Big Birthday month! My oldest daughter turns 14 tomorrow!! Happy Birthday to your girls :)

Kristin said...

I didn't do 31 for 21 this year either. There's always next year ;)