Saturday, January 30, 2021

Medical and Electrical Updates

Chuck's doctors have all met together and they decided to just remove the lymph node instead of using the T-vec injections. They're hoping they can get all the cancer in that one surgery instead of months of injections, which we're totally okay with. The surgeon is booked up a few weeks out so the surgery will probably take place the end of February. We're just waiting for the nurse to call and set the date.

The electrician came out and was able to change the socket with no problems. He said the wire was overheated but the heat didn't travel anywhere. The damage was only in the one socket, thank goodness! I threw away the power strip and bought a surge protector - a real one! and we're making sure Beth doesn't plug her cpap machine and her portable heater in the same outlet. So everything has it's own place now and all is well again.

I can't believe it's Saturday night and January's about over. This month has gone fast for me. I'm so glad the days are getting longer though! It's still light out when I get off work at 5:00!


Rebecca Jo said...

So it sounds good all the way around - get these issues fixed & let's get them behind - right?
I honestly am at a total loss that January is gone. I still thought there was one more week - not even joking

Terri D said...

Prayers continue! The surgery sounds like a good solution. Do continue to keep us posted, please! Glad the socket problem was minor and has been taken care of! Praise God!! January did fly by, I agree! Bring on February!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That sounds like a good plan of action for Chuck. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Also glad that the outlet was able to be fixed.
Take care.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

That all sounds like good news!! So thankful for Chuck's good news and also that the electrical problem wasn't too severe. So thankful Beth was safe and nothing bad happened. And yes, I love that the days are getting longer already too. Seems like it happened sooner this year...but that could just be my imagination. Have a great week.

ellen b. said...

Good news all around. I do enjoy it when the days stay light longer! Goodbye January, hello February! Hope your new week is a good one.

Jeanie said...

That makes really good sense to me. Get that baby out of there. Sending all good thoughts and prayers your way for a quick schedule and great results.

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~

Good news on both counts!! I pray that they can get all the cancer and have it done with! And having reassurance that the outlet is fixed is such good news! January did fly by, but it just means it's one month closer to summer!!

Have a wonderful week!

Hugs and Love,
Barb said...

Thankful for your good post and good news. Hope Chuck's surgery is successful and puts this chapter behind him. Glad the electrician had an easy 'fix' for the electrical issue. Electricity scares me! I have real respect for those who deal with it.