Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

At midnight we clinked our glasses with sparkling cider, watched New Years at the Needle (it was a virtual show this year instead of fireworks) stood out on the front porch and blew horns and yelled like everyone else was doing! I think everyone is excited for this new year!


Yay, 2021 is here, woohoo!! 🎉🎇

Happy New Year!


ellen b. said...

Happy 2021 to you and yours!

Terri D said...

Happy New Year!! said...

We were sound asleep by sad, huh? I think most of my subdivision must have been, too, because we heard some fireworks long before 9:00 pm, and then nothing. Zip, nada!! Happy new year.

Jeanie said...

I was long gone by then! But Happy New Year, Cindy. I hope it brings good things.