Back in March Chuck and I were planning to fly into Nashville, rent a convertible and cruise around Tennessee, Alabama, through Mississippi and into Louisiana.
Well, you know what happened to those plans. Like so many other people this year we had to cancel our vacation. I guess it is a first world problem.
So when things began to open back up we decided to stay local and road trip it over to Eastern WA. Chuck rented our convertible, we reserved our hotel room and we started to pack.
Then the car place called two days before we were to leave to tell us they actually didn't have any convertibles and would we like something else. Uh, no thank you. 😭
The day before we left a reviewer posted on-line and said the hotel elevator was broken. Lovely.
We went anyway.
And had a fantastic time!!!
We drove north and just happened upon Diablo Lake. Never heard of it before but decided to stop. Oh my gosh the color of the water was spectacular! Of course we were in the Cascade Mountain Range so it was definitely glacier water but the color was stunning!
We stopped for lunch in the tiny town of Winthrop and then headed on to Wenatchee.
We checked into the hotel and got right back in the car again to meet up with Sharaya, Allie and Beth. They were meeting us in Yakima to see the Milky Way! We finally found a perfect spot at about 11pm and Sharaya pulled out the lawn chairs and blankets and we spent the next hour just looking up. I have never seen the Milky Way before! In pictures yes, but not like this! It was incredible and something I will never forget. Unfortunately your cell phone won't capture it and Sharaya even brought her SLR but that didn't do it either. This one's from google and looks identical to what we saw. We even saw 3 shooting stars!
Got to the hotel around 1am and just crashed! Come to find out the elevator wasn't broken (they had 3 of them) and in fact they were glass elevators with a view of the city!
We registered for the pool when we checked in, for a certain day and time and had it all to ourselves! (Course we're always conscience of covid so we ended up not putting our faces in the water but it was still nice and relaxing!)
We went out to lunch, walked along the Columbia River, had sundaes at the cutest little soda shop... it was really fun!
While we were there we celebrated our 38th Anniversary.
New Orleans, Louisiana? Or Wenatchee, Washington?
Doesn't matter as long as I'm with him.