Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Goodbye, Hilarious, and No Birds

Beth and I had a doctor's appointment this week to say goodbye to our primary care physician. We've seen Dr. T for close to 20 years! I'm sitting here thinking of all the things she's walked through with us... you guys go to the doctor, you know! 😊 Dr T is retiring so we made her a card and went in to see her. She asked Beth about Special Olympics during covid, we talked about our health of course, and we talked about our families. I had to hold back the tears as we walked back down the hallway and out of the clinic. She recommended another doctor to us, one that's there in that clinic and I know she'll be good but it won't be the same.


Beth got her first vaccine a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately we had to drive 45 minutes to get there! The second one is scheduled for the same place but we're hoping to get it changed to one a little closer to home. Chuck already has both his shots and he did fine, no side affects at all. And I go in for my first dose this Friday. Yep, I'm going to get it! I'm a little nervous... there's so much controversy surrounding it, but mainly it's just because I don't like needles!


We went out to lunch with Sharaya and Ally on Sunday and on our way home Beth was watching something on her phone and was laughing so hard! It got Chuck and I to laughing... don't know what she was watching but it was funny, whatever it was!


Mrs. Junko has been sitting on the nest a lot lately. I peeked in the other day and it's still just the eggs. No birds yet. You can see how deep the nest is, you have to really get on top of it to see the eggs. It's great protection!

Have you ever had to switch doctors? What was it like for you?

When is the last time you laughed really hard?


Susan said...

My husband and I have had both of our vaccines. It was really hard to say goodbye to one of my doctors at Kaiser. She was so good. Then I got a second good doctor for a couple of years and she had to leave because her time was over at the facility. My next doctor was really good and I had her for a few year. But then I had to switch to a closer facility. My new doctor is okay, but not the same personal care that I had before. Then it has been hard with Covid and getting to see real doctor. I am glad it went well with you guys. Did the mother bird try to attack you when you went buy her nest?

betty said...

I love a good laugh!! Glad Beth found something that made her laugh! It is hard to switch doctors. I felt the way every time we moved and I had to find a new pediatrician for our kids when they were younger. I loved all the ones we made and it was sad to say goodbye and then have to go on the search of finding a new one.

How neat to be able to watch the progress of the bird's nest with the eggs :)


Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you decided to get the vaccines. I live in fear of the day my doc retires. He's a couple of years younger than I, so I know he won't go on forever. I do like one of his partners very much (and have seen her on occasion when he was out) and now his daughter has joined the practice. If she is anything like him, I'd see her in a heartbeat.

Terri D said...

I lost my doctor of 17 years a couple of years ago. She recommended a friend and colleague to us and I am very happy with her. Not quite the same as that 17-year relationship but I trust her and like her. Good luck. It isn't easy. xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It has to be hard with your doctor retiring. I'm sure ours will be doing the same thing at some point. We have seen him for close to 30 years. We love him! Glad that you are getting the vaccines taken care of. I pray we are all safe with them.

ellen b. said...

Yes, I've had to change doctors a few times. The last time was when we moved to Colville. Left our doctor of 30 some years. Hope the new doctor is good for you!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

We have moved so often we have never really had the same Dr. for a very long time. Thank the Lord we are pretty healthy so we haven't had the need to go too often. Oh, it is so good to laugh out loud. I am glad Beth found something so funny. That must have felt really good to her! Can't wait to see your baby birdies! I hope you will be able to get some good pictures of them before they leave!

Latane Barton said...

I usually don't laugh heartily but when I do, it feels so darn good.

Joyce said...

My second dr in four years is now leaving the practice for a fellowship. I liked her so much and am not thrilled with the replacement so far. Like you I am mixed on the vaccine. But, we got ours-I have a daughter and grandchildren living out of the country and fear I won't be able to travel abroad without one. We had Moderna which seems to have more side effects than Pfizer. Hubs and I both felt like we had the flu after the second shot, but just for a day, then were fine. Hope your first dose was uneventful!