Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Then Tuesday

Sorry I haven't written in a week. The last 5 days have been the busiest I've had in months.

I babysat Allie on Friday and we shopped and finger painted and played and watched cartoons. She arrives at 7AM, and Ryan and Sharaya come for dinner so I usually put Allie in front of the TV around 5:00 so I can start cooking. I absolutely love having her and we have so much fun while she's here but I'm exhausted at the end of the day! My mom used to say the same thing when my kids were little and I'd think, 'Oh come on, they're not that much work.' Now that I'm the age she was, I know what she was talking about! It's not the kids at all, it's my body! All the aches and pains that I didn't realize I'd have at this age and the way they affect me.

Allie made a picture for Sharaya, then we wrapped it and took it with us on Sunday. Diana carried it into the restaurant so Sharaya would think it was for me and it worked! When we had Allie give it to her she asked, "This is for ME?" It was awesome!  
Grocery shopping
Shopping at Michaels
My Mother's Day gift was a trip to Charming Charlies. It's a jewelry store that sells thousands of pieces of jewelry, plus shoes and purses and other accessories to match. I absolutely love this store! Unfortunately there's not one close to us so we have to drive an hour or more to get to it. But the weather was nice, we went out to eat, I really had a good time. AND, Diana bought me a necklace!
Monday I walked to and from work (2 1/2 miles total). Came home, weed whacked the front yard then moved the lawn. Last night my calves were SO sore I could barely move!
Then Tuesday. Tuesday was May 13. The ninth anniversary of my moms death. I worked a long day, had two meetings, did a little grocery shopping before having to head out again, it was a very busy day. After Beth and I came home from the store and put away all the groceries, she went downstairs and I just happened to look at the clock. It was 4:42. I was on the phone with my sister when my mom took her last breath in 2005 and at that very moment it was 4:44. So I stopped right then yesterday and just began to talk to my mom. I told her how much I missed her. I told her I wished I could tell her that I get it. That I'm the age she was when I was in my 20's and I now realize everything she was trying to tell me! I've heard it said that you never get over losing your mother and I'm beginning to believe it. Yesterday was so busy I didn't really get much time to think about her, but having those few moments, and right at 4:44, blessed me so much. It was exactly what I needed. 


JC said...

Loved all the pictures in here. Allie seems to be growing up so fast! Your last paragraph had me in tears. I cannot imagine losing my Mother. I'm glad you had a moment to yourself to talk to her and exactly at the right time.

kathyinhelene said...

Thank you Cindy for sharing your heart.

kathyinhelene said...

Aka, kathy williams, cindy

kathyinhelene said...

Thank you Cindy for sharing your heart.

kathyinhelene said...

Thank you Cindy for sharing your heart.