Saturday, August 24, 2024

Waterfront, The Best of Trail Mix, and Thanksgiving Already?!

Good evening,
I'm writing this at 7:30 on Saturday. Today there's been so many games on TV - first the Seattle Mariners, then the Seattle Sounders, and now the Seahawks. I've been in and out of the living room, watching some with Chuck. I spent some time in the den making greeting cards, and then remembered I hadn't posted on here. I was looking through my phone trying to remember what we've been up to the last few days.
Beth and I went down to the waterfront. It's about a five minute drive from our house. We were only there for a few minutes but it was good to get out and smell that ocean! (She has her head phones around her neck.)

I don't know how it is where you are but around here the leaves are changing color, we've had a lot of rain, and the temps have dropped to  the 50's and 60's. Chuck even turned on the fireplace this morning! We're supposed to get some sunshine and temps back in the 70's next week but it sure seems like summer is over.

We've video-chatted with Diana and Adelaide this weekend. She's just over a year and a half but she acts so much older. Here's she's looking through the trail mix for her favorite things!


 Ally and I went to the mall yesterday to get some stuff for school. Unfortunately I didn't get a single picture. But I cannot believe she's starting high school! For all intents and purposes, she's an adult: she's my height, she's mature, she's kind, it's been such a blessing getting to watch her grow up. Time is just going so fast.

Not too much else going on. I'm going to a Thanksgiving meeting tomorrow after church. We always meet the last Sunday of August to begin prepping for our Thanksgiving Outreach. This is our 30th year. The associate pastor and his wife who lead this are now in their 70's and she was telling me this just might be their last year. Course she's been saying that for a few years now, but they are moving slower and slower as time goes on. We'll see what happens after this year.
Well, time for me to get ready for tomorrow. Have a good day - 


Jeanie said...

I suspect we'll see some leaf changing this week, too -- though it's going to be warm. But it's been a cooler summer overall. Probably not a lot but just enough to remind us that fall is coming! I love that you can easily go to the waterfront.

Terri D said...

It is still summer here in Central Florida. We get some relief toward the end of September. Thanks for sharing the great photos with us. time does go much too fast. We need to enjoy each day as the blessing it is!! xo

R's Rue said...

The waterfront is beautiful.

Latane Barton said...

You are ahead of us. No fall here yet but I am hopeful that it will come soon.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

No leaf changing here yet or cool temperatures, but we are on the opposite end of the country from you, draw a diagonal line down to the southeast corner and there you'll find us! I wish it was cooler, but that won't happen for at least a month yet. Oh, Thanksgiving...yes I guess it's coming soon too! I can imagine the work that goes into your church supper planning. I would be tired too. I guess I never stopped to realize how close you are to the ocean! That is amazing! Great picture! And your sweet Adelaide is getting so big and so adorable. I know you love having Facetime with her. What a blessing that is!! I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead. Blessings to you all. said...

I got a little tingle seeing the beginnings of fall colors in your photos. It is still red hot, here. And even when it begins to cool, we don't have a lot of change in color. We have managed to open the windows a few days, though. Delightful.
I am guilty of fishing out the M&Ms in trail mix, and the chocolate chips and peanuts. Love that Adelaide is doing the same thing.
Hope to help with my church's Thanksgiving food donations. Hope your church has a successful event.