Monday, August 19, 2024

Girls Day Out

 Beth had a doctor's appointment last Friday. Just a follow up to go over the results of her lab work. Everything's normal. She's not in perimenopause but I'm thankful her cycle is regulated now. We don't know how it happened, we're not doing anything different, medication is the same, but my guess is... answered prayer. 

 She does retain water in her legs so the doctor suggested we get her an automann or something so she can raise her legs when she's sitting. So when we left the doctor we headed to a furniture store. She liked almost every chair she sat in. Here she's taking pictures of some of her favorites.

 Trying to find the controls...

 We haven't bought anything yet. She needs to save up a little more money first, plus we want to check a few other stores.
From there we headed to the mall. We were a little early for the movie so we stopped at the food court for a snack. Pizza bites at our favorite place!

While we were eating she held her hands up by her shoulders, then pointed down toward her lap and said, "This good for me. Getting out." We talked about how important it is to get good exercise every day. Even though she goes out four days a week, plus does chores around the house she spends too much time watching TV. It's become that way for all three of us. When Chuck and I sit down at the end of the day, we pull out our phones and spend a few hours just scrolling or playing games. It's so hard to stop!
Well, after we ate we walked across a small section of the parking lot to the theater.

 She's been wanting to see this since it came out ~

It was good. Our take-away was that it's okay to feel a little anxiety sometimes, or to be scared or sad. But we need to talk to someone about it, share with our family or friends and not let the emotions consume us. Galatians 6:2 - Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
I like that it opens the door for conversations about what we all seem to be going through lately. I was recently listening to Priscilla Shirer and she mentioned how we didn't just go through a medical pandemic. We're also going through a political pandemic. And a social pandemic. I agree.
I don't know where I'd be without the Lord. Knowing that He is in complete control brings me peace of mind. 
Thanks for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day! 



Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love that you and Beth have such nice and interesting "Girl's Day Out" times together. That is really special. Glad the movie was good too. Happy her Dr. appt. was good, and the recliner chair sounds like a good idea. I know I live in mine!! LOL. Have a blessed rest of your week.

Doris said...

I love your girls day out. I rarely blog anymore but I love to read some every once in awhile. I have a daughter with intellectual challenges who will be 30 next week. She struggles with changes, even the thought of it! Right now we must begin looking for another place for her to live in the next few years because we are getting older. It's so hard!!
Thank you for highlighting Beth's days. It brings encouragement to others walking a similar road.

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ What an adorable picture of you and Beth! So glad she is healthy and doing well, I know it's such a worry. My special needs granddaughter, Averi, just turned 22, and it seems like every week, we see changes in her. It's always good to keep an eye on them. I have heard that that movie is wonderful. My grands have all seen it and loved it. We all need to know that there is someone out there who we can talk to, who understands our every need. We definitely need, God in these strange times. He is in control, and that brings me a lot of comfort. Fun post, and I hope you find a good chair! Hugs, Barb

Terri D said...

I spend way too much time in my recliner. I told someone last week that I am in a relationship with my TV. It's true. I'm glad you and Beth had a good day out!! Keep us posted on the search for the perfect recliner!!

ellen b. said...

Once you sit down at the end of the day it's easy to stay put. We've been talking about how sitting is not the best position for us. Glad you had a nice time out and about and it stimulated some good conversation.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post said...

Anxious to see what chair Beth winds up with and would love a picture of it in her apartment space. Had not thought of the perks of recliners as far as swelling in the legs but that makes sense!!

Wonder if travel could have affected Beth's cycles? It used to foul me up.

We really enjoyed Inside Out 2. Had to sit on the front row, though, as the movie was sold out. Very rare for movies around here. Would agree with your takeaway from the story. We all have so many different emotions every day. My 4 year old grand is saying she's embarrassed now all the time. Ha!!

Cindy said...

I never thought of it being related to our traveling. She has had issues with her cycle for years, and we've traveled for years. (As you can tell by my side panel.) That's interesting...