Saturday, August 3, 2024

Splashing, Backpacks, Pretending

 My sister and I just got back from a family reunion in Iowa, but I'll write more about that later. There's still a little more I want to tell you about our trip to Anaheim.
Our last full day there we spent in the pool at the condo. We just hung out and relaxed, it was so nice.


 After that we all went inside to get ready to have some family photos taken. My nephew agreed to take them and suggested a park nearby. There's only eight of us but it was fun trying to get everyone to look at the camera and smile at the same time! Adelaide thinks it's hilarious when she sneezes so my sister and nephew pretended to sneeze. 😊 

Here Adelaide is pretending to sneeze in my ear


From here we went to Knotts Berry Farm for their famous chicken dinner. We used to go here fairly often when Chuck's mom and sister lived in L.A. His sister lives in Colorado now but his mom passed away in February 2021. This was a way for us to kind of include them in the trip. Do you sometimes do that? Have a little 'nod' to a family member while you're doing something?

 The next morning it was time to pack up and head home. 

But first, a quick stop at Downtown Disney for souvenirs and final goodbyes.

Beth was so excited when she found this backpack! And I bought a mug, because you can never have too many mugs.

And besides...
We sat here for a little while before beginning the long walk back to the car.

 Such an amazing trip. We are so blessed to have had all these opportunities to travel and hang out with each other.

Have you been able to get together this family this summer?


Terri D said...

WHat a great time you all had and we have more to look forward to when you tell us about the reunion! Great photos and Beth's new backpack is great. Pooh is such a wise character and a great choice for your new mug (and Halloween outfits!). Adelaide is adorable!!

ellen b. said...

Ahh, sweet photos. Great idea to have family ones taken. You packed a lot in. I remember eating at Knott's chicken restaurant only twice. It was probably the very first restaurant I ever ate in. After Disneyland that condo pool day sounds just right. Love the mug!

Billie Jo said...

I love your family photo!!! What a wonderful trip together. And yes. I do the same with a favorite Italian restaurant my father ate at with us here. I order his meal, chicken cacciatore and ginger ale. : ) Have a cozy afternoon, my friend.

Latane Barton said...

As you probably know, I just recently returned from a 2 week visit with my daughter and her family in New York. Times like those are just so very special.

Cathy said...

I'm so happy you got this time with family. Love the photos.

photowannabe said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Always glad to have a new Blogger friend to chat with.
My Hubby and I are "Die-hard" Disney fans. Haven't been in 5 years because of the cost and some of the changes to the Park. But we love it all the same and I do love that Pooh mug and backpack.
When I have a bit more time I will read some of your other posts.
We're getting ready for our church Small Group dinner on Tuesday night.
Looking forward to wonderful friendship.

R's Rue said...

What a wonderful time you all had. said...

Looks like a great trip. We are just back from a family vacation, too. So glad you had some family photos taken, too. We had ours taken for the first time ever on the beach at South Padre Island. I am so happy with the results. Beth's backpack is adorable. And you are right, you can never have too many mugs. Love that baby girl's sweet giggly smile.