Monday, September 28, 2020

Shows You How Often We Go Out

The last week has been so crazy:

A family in our church had a small house fire that did a lot of damage and the house won't be livable again for about a year

A school near us went into lock down on Friday so our schools went into a partial lock down out of precaution

The mom of one of our pastors died

On Sunday I stepped into the building and was met with questions, texts, and emails: 

Can you please print this out and give it to pastor asap?

Do you know where I can find the other part to this wheel chair?

Do you know who moved the sound equipment in the Sanctuary?

There's a moth in the drum cage. Can you help?

Nothing like a quiet, holy morning to usher you into the presence of the Lord! 😇


Today Beth and I ran some errands when I got off work. I finally mailed off my Legacy Box! Movies of my mom when she was growing up, me and my sisters at Disneyland in the 1960's... I hope to get it back before Diana and Peter come out for Christmas!

I asked Beth if she wanted to go to Starbucks and she reminded me that she had a gift card. "Maybe I buy yours too?" Well sure! Thanks Beth!


From there we headed to the mall to return a shirt I bought before covid. We hadn't been there in probably over a year. Wandered all around but didn't see anything we wanted so we headed over to Kohls. I bought a few face towels and 3 big bed pillows. It was fun getting those down the escalator!

Beth mentioned going to Wendy's for dinner but she wanted to eat it in the car so we drove through and listened to The Greatest Showman CD - for the second time - while we ate. 🎵And we will come back home, and we will come back home! Hoomme again!!🎵

By the time we did head home the sun was setting and she came up with a clever way to hide her eyes from the glare. 😄

We pulled into the driveway, I turned off the engine and Beth says, "That was like a road trip!"

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday - So Blessed


Time for some more gratefulness

This week finds me so thankful for:

Much needed rain

A new fireplace!

Family game night

Ordering in for dinner

 Seeing old friends

Appreciation gifts



Chocolate chip cookies

My husband

My home

I pray you've had many things to be thankful for this week!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Snippets - BZZZ, Smile, Waiting

The pest control guy came out this week. I saw a few bees flying back and forth under one of our eves and when he got here we saw about 15-20 bees flying around. He said for every bee outside, there are about 10 inside. Eewww!! 

Beth bought a new refrigerator that has a separate freezer. She's kind of outgrown the small fridge / freezer she has now and was so excited when this was delivered! And then we opened it up. 

It was dented in a few places and many of the shelves were cracked and broken. We told Beth she could still use it and we would order new shelves or we could send it back and wait for a new one. Of course now this one is on back order so it's going to be a while until it comes. But she wants to wait for a new one. You can see the stainless and black one she's using now just to the right. This one is going to be so much better for her. But for now, we wait.  


Allie came over today and helped me paint part of the fireplace. The red area was behind our old insert and needed to be painted before they put in the new one. It'll be installed on Wednesday!

 Then we painted pumpkins. 😊


Beth and I went to the grocery store this week and she put in The Greatest Showman CD. We sat in the driveway listening to the end of one of the songs and she was really rocking out! I'd pull up my phone to take a picture and she'd stop moving and quietly sing. I put my phone down and she'd bop her shoulders and jam! She's so shy, this is as crazy as she gets when she's being watched!

Are you shy or are you comfortable in front of the camera? Do you always carve pumpkins or do you draw or paint on them?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Knit by God's Hand 

I'm linking up again with Knit by God's Hand

This week I'm thankful for ~

Quiet moments

Leaves turning yellow

Cooler temps

Tillamook Banana Split ice cream

Dinner with the family

Finishing a project


Good friends


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Saturday Snippets - Non-Stop, Finished and "What IS that?"

 Chuck and I went for a walk earlier this week and we was telling me how he rode Sharaya's bike for a couple miles. He hasn't been on a bike in years! We came home after our walk and he went out to blow the pine cones off the driveway. His energy level is astounding!

I finally finished my puzzle! I tried to work on it a little every day and it took me almost a month! It was hard but I feel good now that it's done.

 Work has really picked up a lot this week. We have two schools operating now, plus our maintenance guy is on vacation (Did I already tell you this?) Anyway, I've noticed our sprinklers aren't working quite like they should... I've done a lot of work for the schools... lowered the flags for 9/11 - Patriots Day... I've worked a lot of hours this week so it's been great to just be home today.

 And speaking of 9/11, I recently found out that Edmonds has a small memorial so Beth and I went down there after work on Friday. There is a beam that was at Ground Zero, the two panels represent the Twin Towers, there are tiny glass panels that represent each person who died... blue and red for the police officers and fire fighters... it was actually very emotional being there.

And... fire fighters! The west coast is on fire! Literally. Up and down California, Oregon, and Eastern Washington there are so many wildfires burning. Beth woke me up this morning, I could hear her talking kinda loud down stairs so I went down and she pointed to her window, "What IS that?"

"What is what?"

"The color." 

The winds have carried smoke up the coast to Seattle and we've been socked in lately. 

It's creating an orange hue on everything. I told her I was just thankful we only had smoke, no fire. We're wearing our masks now even to just check the mail.

We've been praying for everyone involved in battling the hundreds of fires that are burning right now. 2020 just keeps going...

I hope you are all healthy and safe.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday - Thankful For You


Head on over to Rebecca Jo's blog and get some good news!


This week I'm so grateful for ~

 Medical bills are being paid in full

Chuck continues to feel well

Microwave popcorn

My job



For all of you. I read your comments and it humbles me. Your kind words mean more to me than you will ever know.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Theodore ~ Teddy

 I had a quiet and relaxing day today. Did some reading, worked on the puzzle, watched a movie. All day yesterday I was planning my day for work and then I'd remember that it was a holiday, woohoo!! That's the best feeling!

This week is going to be busy with both of our schools reopening. Just figuring out where everyone will enter and exit, creating one-way hallways, placing desks 6 feet apart... our gym is going to be used for P.E. all week but it's also being used as overflow for Sunday services and Prayer Meetings, group gatherings in the evenings... the logistics of all of this has kept some of us up at night.

Our maintenance guy is on vacation so he showed me how to fill and heat our baptistry for this coming weekend.

I just got an email from our Senior Pastor letting me know someone spilled their communion cup on Sunday so we'll need to clean the carpet in the Sanctuary tomorrow.

Plus, Thursday marks one year since my dad died. I've been thinking about him - and my sister - a lot. The hospice place he was at had a service that would create teddy bears out of your loved one's shirt or jacket or whatever. My sister ended up getting one for me and surprised me with it when she visited this summer.

 My dad wore this jacket a lot and this is what she gave them to make my bear.

 The ribbing on the feet and ears are from the collar and the wrists of the jacket.

As I was saving these pictures to my laptop I noticed the 'Hurricane' label was worn over my dad's heart; plus I quickly and randomly saved these pictures as Teddy... and remembered my dad's middle name was Theodore.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Saturday Snippets - Sun, Eyes, Fire

Beth's eye appointment was... different. She was seen by 3 different people, one said her vision is fine. She doesn't see any blurry images because her brain has just ignored that eye. After all these years she's adapted and is doing fine. But if we want her to get new glasses, some special lenses will help.

Then the doctor came in and very quickly examined her eyes. And I don't mean he was in and gone, but it was that he was moving so fast, he spoke fast, he worked fast, he was like a whirlwind! Checking this and that... he kept calling her Liz and after a couple minutes I got brave enough to say she goes by Beth. But that didn't matter. He called her Liz. And Lizzy. And Betty. And Bit... Then he turned to me and said she needed surgery. Because one eye is cross-eyed, he'll do surgery to correct it. Oh! I asked how the surgery would help her vision. "It won't. She won't see the world any differently, it will just change how the world sees her."

I told him we'd let him know. Beth and I talked about it on the way home and she decided, "No way" on the surgery. I think she's making the right choice.

Sharaya and Allie come over for dinner every Wednesday and this week after dinner we went out to the backyard. Allie and I played corn hole and we all sat around the fire and talked. I do love these kind of evenings.

I came home for lunch the other day and stood out in the backyard for a while. The sun was shining, it was beautiful and so nice to be outside after being at my desk all morning.

 I hope you're having a great weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Trying Hard to be Thankful - Thursday


I'm linking up again with Rebecca Jo. Check out her blog!


Beth's eye appointment didn't go as hoped but the good news is she won't be having surgery! 

Work is getting extremely busy very fast but so far I've still got a good attitude about everything! 😁

The fireplace is going to cost $4000 more than we first thought but it will be installed in 2 weeks and I can't wait!

Chuck and I are working a lot of overtime lately but it will help pay for the fireplace! 

I'm so done with doing yard work this year and thankfully Fall is right around the corner! Woohoo!

I hope you find a lot to be thankful for this week even if you have to really look for it!