Friday, March 25, 2016

It Just Wasn't The Same

For the last few years our family has gone to Roozengaard to see the tulip fields. This year due to Chuck's schedule, there was only one day that we would be able to go and unfortunately most of the flowers hadn't bloomed yet. But we had good weather and it's always fun to hang out with family!

As soon as we got there, Beth had to use the restroom so while Chuck waited for her, Sharaya, Allie and I walked out a ways to the daffodil fields. It wasn't until after we got home I noticed a raindrop on my camera lens. :(

We went back up to the main garden area and took our usual family photos by the giant windmill.

Allie asked to borrow Sharaya's phone and walked around taking her own photos.

Then Sharaya wanted to continue a traditional photo shoot that they've done with Diana every year. Allie and Diana stand next to each other and make the same pose. Except, remember this year Diana has moved to Philadelphia. So Sharaya wanted to let her know just how much she's missed.

Ugh!! Broke our hearts seeing that lip out like that! We all had a great time but it just wasn't the same without Diana!

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