Saturday, January 13, 2024

Since We've Been Home

 Beth and I did a breathing treatment where you pour hot water into a pan and breathe in the steam. We've been so congested. It helped a little.
Then I noticed her cough had changed. I thought maybe it went from a wet cough to dry but I wasn't sure. So I took her to the walk-in clinic and they did a chest x-ray.

 Turns out she has bronchitis and pneumonia! So now she's on antibiotics and is slowly improving. She's yelling at her TV again and laughing at the videos on her phone so that's a good sign. She'll stay home from church tomorrow and have a few more days to rest and let the medicine work. Chuck and I still have bad coughs but usually only at night or when we exert ourselves. We're all going through cough drops like crazy.
We had a light dusting of snow a couple days ago and this weekend the temps are in the teens (like most of the nation it seems!) so we just stay inside, take our medicine and wash our hands a lot!  We're looking forward to feeling good again soon!


Visits With Mary said...

Hope all of you feel better soon. I guess it's just that time of year, lots of illness around. Bundle up and stay warm.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear this. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. Glad you can see an improvement in her.

Terri D said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are all three sick. Sure hope the meds help Beth fast and that you and hubby continue to improve. Colds are awful. Take care!!

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ It's so hard to be sick, especially when it's so cold outside. I'm so glad that all of you are feeling better though, you will be in my prayers. Hugs, Barb

Rebecca Jo said...

There's so much of the yuckies going around - take care of yourselves!!!!

ellen b. said...

Hope you all feel better real soon!!

Cathy said...

I hope you all will feel well very soon!

Doris said...

Oh bless her. I always know when Ellen is feeling better...just like your daughter, hearing her laugh and talk in her room is a good sign! said...

How are you kids? Hoping Beth is back to 110% by now. Thank goodness you were paying attention when her cough changed. Scary.
My El Paso fam is dealing with Covid. Will it ever go away?? And my Ft. Worth folks are dealing with Influenza A. No bueno.
We are all about ready for spring. How bout you?

Billie Jo said...

Hello, my friend. I am sorry you have the dreaded sickness. Bless her heart. I'm glad you took her in. I went to the doctor today with Flynn, too. We both had our chests listened to. It was just a cold, but the cough!!! Have a cozy evening, and I wish you health and happiness!