Monday, February 11, 2013

Being Forgetful Sometimes Brings Opportunity

When Beth starts a new activity or whatever, DART requires that you call each week to set up the ride. After 6 weeks, it becomes a Standing Ride and you don't have to call anymore. It's just always in their system unless you cancel it.

So when she started volunteering at the school each Monday I had to call and schedule the ride. I did really good... until this week. I forgot to schedule the ride! When I called them this morning for her ride times, they told me she didn't have a ride scheduled. Drat.


That meant when I dropped her off this morning, I could take her picture!! She wasn't very excited about it so I told her I'd just take one of her walking into the school. She was okay with that. :)

When I picked her back up her job coach came out and said that Beth finished shredding early so she was able to read with one of the students! I guess the 2nd grader came to the office and she and Beth read for a while. Beth loved it! Another baby step!!


Unknown said...

Baby steps are awesome and she probably liked the small setting to get started. I'm so excited for Beth!

Jennifer Scott said...

I'm so happy for her. :)