I went downstairs to wake Beth up and I even turned on my camera before I got there so it wouldn't wake her. But she heard me anyway and put her pillow over her head! The turkey.
We had breakfast, then it was time for Athletics. The coach had called us the night before to tell us that Beth didn't make it to State. In the past, any athlete who got a gold or silver medal, went on to the State Tournament. We don't know if it's due to a lack of volunteers or budget cuts or what, but a lot of kids don't get to go this year. It's kind of sad and some of the coaches are going to complain. One of our coaches had to tell his daughter that for the first time in 7 years, even though she got a silver medal, she couldn't go. This is Beth's first year in Athletics so she doesn't know what she's missing. We'll keep taking her to practice so hopefully next year she'll make it to State.
I keep forgetting to put Beth's location on the photos.
In this one she's near the center of the picture, in the pink hoodie, purple sweat pants and the teal headband.
After Athletics practice, we headed home for lunch. I had promised her youth choir director that we would take a turn manning the flower sale. For a fundraiser, some of the youth sold flowers for Mother's Day and people could pick up their flowers on Saturday or Sunday. Most people opted for Sunday; can't say I blame them. But that sure made for a pretty boring Saturday afternoon!
When someone came for a plant, we'd put their receipt into the envelope, then put the envelope into the folder.
The long list of plants and all the people who bought them.
Just some of the plants waiting to be picked up.
We left the church and went to the grocery store. Came home, put away all the groceries, then fixed dinner. It was a long, fun day!
Some of the photos of the fantastic gerberas...
Wow, what a great weekend.
When people use social networking, they tag everybody (in the photos).
Such a bummer about States - Alex would be heartbroken if that happened....loved your post about Italy, I often feel that way.
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