Thursday, September 30, 2010

Am I The Only One Who Does This?

When your son or daughter is acting up, sportin' a 'tude or just in the middle of a situation, do you think about how you'll blog about it? Do you 'write' the post in your head while the event is happening?

We were at Arches National Park today and Beth was being a pill. She had such a bad attitude, would not talk to any of us and just kept walking away. As I'm speed walking in the 87 degree heat trying to catch up with her, I am 'blogging' the entire event in my head. What I would write, the order I would put the events....

Am I the only one who does this?


Kristin said...

Not only do I do that, but I make my kids "hold" the position/mess/cuteness so I can grab my camera. And sometimes we have to 're-create' the scene for a blog picture ;)

Becca said...

Hahaha, no you're not the only one!! I do that all the time. Drives my husband crazy because he totally knows what I'm thinking.

Emily said...

Oh dear... Justin does that at age 2 1/2... haha
P.s. I have been a horrible blogger lately and changed my blog address a bit ago. I noticed you have my old one which brings up some guy and something about Honda. So not me :)

motherofangels said...

NOPE, I do this all the time! Most of it never ends up written!