I flew home from my sisters late on Monday the 10th, worked the 11th through 13th and Diana and Adelaide got here late on the 14th. Those few days we finished getting the house baby-proofed, setting up all the toys I had (I saved a few for later in the week) and making sure the den was ready for them. If I remember right, Saturday we just stayed home.
We went to the aquarium, went out to lunch, went to an indoor play place, we played cards, watched movies, it was a fun, full week! I'll share just a few of the photos:
It was the first time I'd been to our aquarium in many years. It's changed a lot. There were different sections, multiple stories, and even separate buildings. There was a lot to see.
If you ever get a chance to see it, I highly recommend it.
We left there and took the new Overlook Walk to go get some lunch. Seattle used to have a double decker highway that ran right through the city. We recently tore that down and put in the tunnel, then built a beautiful area to view the waterfront and easily get to Pike Place Market. It was supposed to pour rain that day but the Lord answered my prayers and we only had clouds. And wind. Lots of wind.
As they were heading to the airport, Adelaide grabbed the little Tigger (I have the whole set) and never let go. Tigger lives with her now.💖
Have you heard of the Wingman Program or Visitor Pass? SEA has a new program that allows visitors to go with you through security and to the gate. Peter was able to get it at their airport and Sharaya got it here, so she could help Diana get Adelaide through security and all the way to the gate.
It's okay to tell you now that Diana is four months pregnant! Due in July. You can see it in this photo, they were playing hide and seek:
So having that help through the airport was a Godsend! We're planning a trip back there after the baby is born.
It has taken me such a long time to write this. There's so much I want to tell you about Beth and my job and Sharaya's promotion, but I really need to close and start getting ready for work tomorrow. I'll try to write again soon.
Hope you're all doing well. Take care!