Monday, June 24, 2024

Routines, Chores, and Games

 Hey everyone,
I had kind of a fun weekend, seeing friends and hanging out with family. I'm usually an introvert, wanting to be at home as much as possible but it was a good weekend. 
My weekend was shorter than usual because I worked on Friday. I had the window washers out for our annual 'high window' cleaning. It's definitely a job I couldn't do! I was praying for them while they were up there!

We've also begun painting all the preschool rooms at work. Thankfully the maintenance department is in charge of that. Some of the custodians are helping when they have time, and it's going pretty quickly. Once they're done, then we'll come in and shampoo all the carpets. We may do that after VBA though. Vacation Bible Adventure is in the middle of July.
I had coffee with a friend from church on Saturday. We've worked together for years but haven't really gotten to know each other. We met at a local coffee shop but it was packed, so we decided to walk to a park that was just a few blocks away. Turns out we have a lot in common. It was so fun, we both want to hang out again soon. 
 Beth is still trying to cut back on sugar as much as possible. Here she is avoiding the candy counter while we wait to check out.

 For Father's Day Sharaya got Chuck tickets to see the Seattle Storm play and they went on Sunday. Chuck took her to a Sonics game when she was younger, so she took him this time. They had a great time and the Storm won! I stole this from her Insta! :)
While they were at the game, Beth, Ally and I went out for lunch, then did a little shopping. Stopped at Michaels and got some markers :) and I got plastic sleeves for my greeting cards. And a new photo album. I'm trying to empty my old peel-and-stick albums and get them all into a slide-in type of album. While we were at Kohls I found a bathing suit for our trip to California. I haven't bought one in years but it's exactly what I've looking for. It's called a swim dress and I love it. As often as I go swimming or into the ocean, this one should last me the rest of my life!
The coffee bar at church has been closed for a few weeks. Well every Sunday Beth gets a hot chocolate. Every Sunday. So she hasn't really known what to do when we get to church, and even went into the front office to make some tea one week. Then on Saturday night she asked if we could stop at Starbucks on our way to church so she could get her hot chocolate. Great idea Beth! So we drove through, got her drink, and as I pull out of the parking lot I realized we forgot to ask for soy milk. So I made a u-turn, drove through again and when we got to the window the barista said, "Weren't you just here?" "Yeah, but we forgot about the milk." She said she wasn't going to charge us and ended up giving it to Beth for free. 
That's about it. Enjoy your week. Til next time - 


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like a lot of fun things going on. Yay for making a new friend with a long time acquaintance! That's really special! I love the Daddy/Daughter outing to the game! That's really sweet, and also nice that you and the rest of the girls had a girl's night out as well. How nice the barista gave Beth the corrected hot chocolate for free! That was sweet. The swim dress sounds like something I would like, if I ever go swimming again. It's been a LONG time, and I don't see it happening anything in the near future, but still, it is nice to have a swimsuit ready just in case. You will have to share a picture of it with us! You don't have to model it...just a picture of the suit will do. I know how I'd feel about having my picture taken in a swim suit...not going to happen! LOL. Have a lovely rest of your week.

ellen b. said...

That's nice you were able to connect some with your co-worker. Beth is smart to turn her back on all those sweet temptations! Happy Disney planning to you!

Terri D said...

How fun to have time to spend getting to know your friend and make a deeper connection with her! Good for Beth, avoiding the candy display!! Your weekend seemed pretty busy to me!! Nice Father's Day gift and how fun when your team wins! BLessings!!