Saturday, June 1, 2024

Family, Target, Nature - What We've Been Up To

 Hi everyone,
I hope you're enjoying Spring, it's hard to believe we're into June already. Summer's not too far away, although for the Seattle area, our summer temps usually don't begin until July 5. Until then we'll still get rain, cool temps, and gray, dreary skies. After July 5 though, we'll get months of sunshine and warm temperatures! I'm looking forward to that!
We're still trying to walk as often as we can. With our schedules and the weather, it can be hard to coordinate.
The Burke-Gilman Trail used to be a railroad track. It's part of the national Rails-to-Trails system that goes from Washington DC to Washington State. It's so pretty. We're grateful to have this close by. Yep, that's Beth in her red shirt again.

 I stepped outside one day to find the bird's nest on the ground. The poor Junko's didn't get any babies this year. I hope they use the wreath again next year.

We've been video chatting with Diana and Adelaide. She's growing so fast! And she's talking a lot! She's only a year and a half but says SO many words. Loves Minnie Mouse and trains. Here she's putting stickers in a notebook. She'd get one stuck on her finger, then show it to me and we'd laugh. I can't wait to see her next month.

I pick Allison up from school most Fridays. I'll ask her if something absolutely amazing happened at school today and she'll just look at me and shake her head no. Ah, middle school. Remember those days? When she gets out of the car though, I tell her I love her and she always says, "I love you too." 💕
 Beth and I did some shopping last week. Chuck dropped us off at Kohls, then we walked to Target (across the parking lot.) She bought gel pens, markers, and lined paper. I bought a new scotch tape dispenser. We've needed one for years, and I just kept forgetting to buy one. One of those little things that make a big difference.

We all went walking at Juanita Bay last week. Sharaya suggested this place, she's taken a lot of professional photos there over the years and I can see why!
See the green trees and bushes on the other side of the lake? That's where we walked to, actually going out of the park, walking along the busy streets, then back into the park and out onto the docks in that area.

This was some type of Crane. It had a huge wing span!


In this picture there is a log in the water, with ducks and tortoises  sunning themselves.

It really was beautiful. At the end of the day our watches and phones told us we had walked four miles. Our legs said it was a lot farther!

I love having slow mornings where I can stay in my bathrobe, drink some tea and just hang out at home. Which is what I got to do today. But now it's time to get started on my day. I hope you have a wonderful day too!


Terri D said...

Slow mornings are the best! I agree! I enjoyed catching up here with you today. Fun pictures, especially of Beth and also that little sweetheart Adelaide!

Jeanie said...

You've had a good week -- and some wonderful places to walk. A slow morning is just the best thing. I'm glad all is well. (I need a new dispenser for tape too!)

Susan said...

I love the nature pictures. I guess because I live in the city, and it makes me appreciate the beauty of nature. I like craft supplies too. Thanks for sharing!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, yes, it looks like you did have a walk much like ours that I posted and you commented on! Isn't it wonderful to get out into God's beautiful world of nature and just enjoy? Oh, I love to see Beth's happy face as she was shopping. Looks like she found some things she needed and was happy! And your sweet Adelaide is growing up so fast! How wonderful for the technology that allows you to actually see each other when you talk long distance like that! What a blessing!! I remember dreaming about such an invention when I was young...never thought I'd live to see the day it actually happened! I hope you have a lovely Sunday today. Glad you relaxed yesterday! Yes, we all need a day like that now and then! Blessings to you and yours.

ellen b. said... went to two of my favorite spots to walk, the Burke Gilman and Juanita Bay. I used to walk with two friends every Saturday for 2 hours on the Burke Gilman, 6miles. I would take out of town guests to Juanita Bay because it was such a lovely place to explore. Great job with your conditioning!

Visits With Mary said...

Beth looks like a happy shopper!! You have pretty places to walk, I enjoyed walking with you through your pictures!! Slow days are wonderful, I have a lot of them since I retired ☺