Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Deer, Darling, Dreaming

It's about 2:00. I got home from work a little while ago, fixed some yogurt, berries and granola for lunch and ate it in the backyard.
I'm in the process of creating a small sitting area in a corner of the backyard, nestled up against the house where none of our neighbors can see us. It's very secluded. And sitting out there today I was overwhelmed with the view. We look out onto a green belt, filled with so many different trees: we have Pine and Hemlock, Elm and Cedar. And the birds. Sometimes it's hard to hear all their calls, there's just so many. It's beautiful, and I can't believe I get to live here. I'm so blessed.

I worked 15 hours of overtime the last couple of weeks. We had two graduations back-to-back. Plus rehearsals, receptions. One was for our own preschool, and the other was for a local private high school. The seniors had to go down to the preschool area to the room where they would assemble before their event and they were so enamored with the preschoolers, and the preschoolers looked up at them so wide eyed. It was pretty cute. Can you tell which set up was for which class?

Chuck had a good Father's Day. We went out to eat at Moonshine BBQ, he loves that place. Many of us had pulled pork burgers and they were so good! Came back to the house for games and gifts. Chuck got a coffee pod holder, and tickets to see the Seattle Storm!
My birthday's on the 17th so we often celebrate them together. The girls got me some gift cards, and mouse ears! We're going to Disneyland in a few weeks and they've been talking about getting some for themselves on-line. I thought about getting some but didn't want to intrude on 'their' thing. But they got me a pair! And not just any ears. They're Bambi ears! Oh my gosh I love them! 

Summer's about here and we've got temps in the 70's this week. It's pretty close to perfect. Well, that's about all from here. I hope you have a great start to your summer!


Terri D said...

Cute ears!! I hope you will share a photo of yourself wearing them!! Your private corner sitting area sounds like a perfect spot for relaxing and not being overlooked by neighbors! Cute decorations for the two graduations!

Susan said...

Those are cute mouse ears. I have not been to Disneyland since Dec 2022. I am going to try to get there in Oct. We had annual passes from 2011-2018. We wanted to get them again, but then Covid hit and when they came back, they were too expensive. I love your backyard view! Your church looks like mine.

Jeanie said...

Your Bambi ears are just the best. I've never been to Disneyland --just Disney World/Epcot. Probably much the same but not!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your spot outside looks lovely. Wow, you have been busy at work. Sounds like some fun celebrations. Sounds like a nice Father's Day. Happy Birthday and have a great time at Disneyland. Those ears are adorable.

ellen b. said...

Very nice views. Those Bambi ears are so cute! Fun gift. Happy belated birthday. said...

Those ears are so precious. Love the subdued colors and BAMBI!! My dad said I was his Bambi...maybe he meant Faline??

Glad you had a good Father's Day/birthday celebration. We need to play more games. Wonder if PC would try dominoes. It would be easy to get out and put up. We started doing puzzles finally last fall after years of me begging!! But that seems more like a winter activity.

The graduation decor is so cute. Love your description of the littles looking up to the seniors and vice versa. Here in El Paso, seniors return to their elementary schools to walk the halls and get high fives from elementary students. It is kind of cool.

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ Wow! You do live in such a gorgeous area, I love the west coast, one of my favorite places. And, your lunch sounds delicious! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! I'm glad you had a fun day. Your, "Bambi" ears are adorable, you're going to have so much fun! I think it's so nice when older kids take an interest, and like what younger kids are doing... so cute! Enjoy your week-end! Hugs, Barb