Monday, September 6, 2021

It's Just Around The Corner!

Our church had a week of prayer and fasting last week and even though food is the traditional thing that most people give up, I usually fast social media. That's the thing that takes up most of my time, the thing that wastes most of my time. Since I wasn't scrolling through Facebook and Instagram I spent more time in prayer and in the Lord's presence plus spent two hours sobbing. Yep. Just good ol' let-the-tears-flow-and-release-a-little-stress sobbing. I honestly felt better when I was done. Releasing stress and giving things over to the Lord, it was a very good week.

Only 16 days 'til the wedding! Remember, this is the venue where they're having the reception ~


We're trying to figure out how to pack floor length gowns into a suitcase! I found a more casual dress to wear to a different event they're planning that week and bought some flats to go with it. Diana actually found them. I went into DSW to try on a different pair - I had to order the Navy ones on-line - and they're so comfortable! They're sketchers!


I got the email saying they had been delivered to the store and I could pick them up anytime. I'm so thankful I decided to try them on before I left the store because when I opened the box...

Not quite what I was expecting. My dress is navy blue with small white polka dots (think Julia Roberts at a polo match 😄) so these wouldn't work. They posted the wrong photo on their website. I've checked since and they no longer list any Navy ones. So my search continues. Beth and I pick up our dresses on Friday!

Fall has arrived here and the colors are stunning!

These trees will be completely red in a few short weeks!

I can't remember whose page I saw this on but I loved this! If you were born in the 60's or 70's you might remember the song!

What special events are you looking forward to this fall?


Sandi said...

Maybe a garment bag for the long dress?

Love that sign. Ha ha!!

"I usually fast social media."

I gasped when I read this. YES.

Terri D said...

Love the sign. Love that amazing venue for the reception! Wow! Sure hope you find the navy shoes you need. Keep us posted and don't forget to share wedding photos!! xo

betty said...

Wow, the final countdown begins for the big day!! It will be here before everyone knows it!! So glad too you looked at the shoes way before the wedding day so you have time to get the color you really want. I have heard of people fasting from social media. I think that's a very wise thing to do. I know I spend way too much time on it myself. Gorgeous pictures of the leaves changing! Ours don't until December or January, lol :)

Can't think of too much fall things we may be doing. It still is a bit warm in October until November, but definitely will go to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins to carve. We'll see what else might be on our agenda :)


ellen b. said...

16 days! Looks like a beautiful reception venue. Sorry about the shoes being wrong. I've been looking for comfortable flats, too, for the wedding we'll be attending on October 1st. Hope you find the right comfortable pair! I would roll up the dresses.

Jeanie said...

When packing a dress for a suitcase (good luck!) put white tissue paper between the folds and make as few folds as possible. Then gently roll it, starting from the shoulders. If you have a wrapping paper tube, you can roll around that. That decreases the wrinkles. It might be worth it to pick up a hand steamer so you can steam out any wrinkles that come (sometimes the shower works, too). They might have irons in your hotel room, too. And try not to overpack the suitcase (I know I'm a terrible over-packer!) but that will help not crush your dress.

You must be enjoying the countdown! How exciting. We have an October wedding I'm anticipating eagerly. I hope Covid doesn't get in the way.

Barb said...

Hi Cindy~ Prayer and fasting really is good for the soul, and for me, crying is always part of it. I gave up FB and Instagram a long time ago, it was very freeing! I was shocked at how much wasted time I spent on social media!

The venue is beautiful! Only 16 days, what an exciting time for your family. So sad on the shoes, that's always disappointing, but I know you will find the perfect pair.

I remember that song, too funny!!

Have a good week, Cindy.

Rebecca Jo said...

Can you not take a garmet bag on the trip? ... I wonder if you can box your dress & ship it - giving it time to hang to get wrinkles out?
Those shoes - sorry you got the wrong ones but SKETCHERS? I'm checking them out

Joyce said...

My niece is getting married in October so we're all excited about that. I've ordered some dresses online and am hoping to love only one of them : ) My girls are both bridesmaids so I want a color that doesn't clash with their gowns. Planning on some family photos. Hope you find some shoes that work. A folded garment bag might be your best bet for traveling with a long gown.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Maybe you should think about sending the dresses via Fed EX or UPS prior to the wedding...wrapping them like someone suggested above, more rolled than folded, in a larger box than a suitcase, and send them express so they are sure to get there on time. It might cost something, but would be better than having to have extra suitcases just for your dresses to deal with. (I assume you are flying?) Just a thought. Sorry about the skechers mixup. That's a bummer. Hope you can find a reasonable replacement in time. Can't wait to see the photos. That venue is gorgeous!!! What a lovely place!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Me too, I waste so much time on Social Media. Sixteen days, that is so exciting. That venue is amazing....WOW! Sorry about the shoes. So glad you checked them out. James turns 3 in October and my daughter and son in law will be coming in from Montana.